i. Aim
Pambazuka seeks to disseminate analysis and debate on the struggle for freedom and social justice through the voices of the people of Africa and the Global South.
ii. Approach
Pambazuka will provide platforms for open dialogue and debate, sharing of progressive ideas and creation of alternatives, as well as the amplification of progressive voices.
Through Pambazuka, voices for critical analysis from a pan-African and emancipatory perspective will be given an opportunity to air their views. In addition, Pambazuka will enable those voices that inform and arm people engaged in the struggle for social transformation to be heard above the disharmony of the outputs of corporate media. Over the last 15 years, Pambazuka has actively sought to enable and sustain connections of solidarity across the continent and the African diaspora and will continue doing that in order to demystify “development” by exposing the exploitation of Africa’s people and their natural resources by corporations, aid agencies, the so-called “emerging powers” and local elites.
Pambazuka, through all its outlets namely Pambazuka News, Pambazuka Press and later one Pambazuka Radio will continue to portray the people of Africa as agents of change, people who, despite all the constraints, write their own histories in their every day struggles. The analysis that will be generated through Pambazuka will further inform the learning provided through Adilisha and contributes to the evidence-based advocacy supported through Utetezi.
iii. Expected outcome
Voices from Africa and the diaspora are given the opportunity to present the realities about their people, culture, challenges, solutions and hopes for the future. In addition, we expect that at least 50,000 new readers per year, especially young African people, will join the community of Pambazuka thus increasing the number of African voices in world affairs.